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Alterative - cleansing, stimulating efficient removal of waste products. Producing gradual beneficial effects through detoxification and improving nutrition.

Amphoretic or amphoteric – substance able to react as either a base or an acid.

Analgesic – pain reliever.

Anodyne – reduces pain.

Anthelmintic – expels worms.

Antilithic – prevents the formation of stones in gall bladder and kidneys and help to expel already formed stones.

Astringent - precipitates proteins from cell surfaces or mucus membranes, producing a protective coating. It has a binding and contracting effect.

Antibiotic, antimicrobial – kills or inhibits micro-organisms.

Anticoagulant – limits blood clotting.

Antispasmodic – reduces tension and muscle spasms.

Biodynamics – agricultural system developed by Dr. Rudolf Steiner in the 1920s based on a spiritual, ethical and ecological approach. Belief in the influences of the cosmos on soil, plants and animal health.
Bitter(s) – stimulates digestive juices and increases appetite.
Carminative – relieves gas, digestive discomfort.

Cathartic – drastic purgative.

Chaff – seed covering or debris separated when threshing grain or seed.

Chilblains – painful inflammation of the small blood vessels in the skin in response to warming too quickly after exposure to cold temperatures. They can cause swelling, itching, red patches, and blistering.

Cholagogue – stimulates bile and enzyme production in the liver.

Coir – the outside layer of a coconut husk consists of fibers. Between the fibers is a corky substance called coir pith and was a by-product of the coconut fiber process, now it is considered a quality growing medium. It is used as a substitute for peat moss which the harvesting of is considered non-sustainable and ecologically harmful.

CSA – Community Supported Agriculture. Farms sell subscriptions to members in the local community who receive a parcel of produce on a scheduled basis.

Demulcent – soothes irritated or damaged mucus membranes.

Diaphoretic – promotes sweating, increases perspiration.

Diuretic -encourages urine flow.

Dynamic accumulators – in permaculture systems, plants that draw nutrients and minerals out of the soil and can be used as fertilizers, mulch, compost.

Dyspepsia – painful, difficult digestion and can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, heartburn, bloating and stomach discomfort.

Emectic – induces vomiting.

Emmenogogue – promotes menstruation. May also effect hormone levels. Herbs that have an affinity for the reproductive system.

Expectorant – loosening and removal of phlegm.

Febrifuge – fever reducer.

Flavonoid - phytonutrients that are water soluble pigments, and have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Glycerine – also spelled glycerin. Sweet, mucilaginous component of plant or animal fats and oils distilled into liquid form. For making herbal glycerites, only use vegetable glycerin.

Hemostatic – stops bleeding or hemorrhaging.

Immunostimulant – stimulates the immune system.

Inulin – plant polysaccharide that is extracted from the roots and rhizomes of some aster plants and used to improve flavor and texture in low-fat foods.

Nervine - affects the nervous system; either stimulating, relaxing or sedative.

Neuralgia - a sharp, shocking pain that follows the path of a nerve and is due to irritation or damage to the nerve.

Permaculture – an agricultural system designed for self-maintained sustainability.

Saponin – plant compounds which produce a lather that can irritate digestive tract.

Sedative – soothes and calms.

Styptic – stops external bleeding.

Stratification –some seeds require a cold and a warm period to germinate. This occurs naturally in the soil when seeds deposit into the soil in the fall, and remain dormant until the spring, summer or fall. Placing seeds in a sealed container in a refrigerator can artificially mimic the cold period followed by a warm period.

Systemic – affects the entire body or system.

Tonic – agent that has restorative, nourishing and supportive properties for the entire system.

Vasoconstrictor – constricts blood vessels, reduces blood vessel diameter.

Vasodilator – dilates blood vessels, increases blood vessel diameter.

Vulnerary – heals wounds.

Winnowing – to remove the chaff with air currents from a breeze or a fan.

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